This is just one neighborhood. I'll cover more later. The lighting wasn't great due to the fog but these are some of my favorite local pads. If you have any info on who designed these or you wanna submit more, email me!
This mini mansion is awesome because it looks so much bigger than it really is. I love the clean crispness and the it really glows in this neighborhood.
This one's right up the street and super cool. I love the simplicity, massing and the curvature of the front facade.
Actually talked to the owner of this one. She was very nice but a little concerned about the scruffy lookin dude taking pictures of her house. I told her how awesome it was and all was forgiven, on the condition that I wouldn't give out the street address. She said it was designed and built in the 70's but didn't know by whom. They just recently remodeled it and it looks great. Love the louvered privacy porch and natural color scheme.
The lighting's not great in this pic but a cool house none the less. Very horizontal and Frank Lloyd Wright-esque.
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